THE SAINT LEONARD PROCESSION Saint Leonard’s church in Remetea (“Szent Lénárd” in Hungarian) was built in 1771 and sanctified by the count Ignác Batthyányi, Bishop of Alba Iulia, in honour of Bishop Saint Leonard. Saint Leonard is known mainly due to the Catholic churches in France, Austria and Eastern Germany, where he was the patron saint of serfs, sick people, blacksmiths and pregnant women. Remetea is the farthest eastern reach of the Saint Leonard cult. The procession of the parish church takes place each year on November 6th, on Saint Leonard’s day. Religious people from villages around Remetea take part in this procession, carrying the flags of their own churches. THE KICSIBÜKK PROCESSION Every year, on August 20th, a mass is officiated in the chapel dedicated to Saint Steven, as a tribute to the King Saint Steven [“Szent István”]. People who take part in this procession travel to the chapel by tractor, by horse-drawn carriages, on foot or by motorbike, coming from all parts of the village to listen to the Kicsibükk mass. When the mass is finished, people sit down in the shade of the chapel, or under the trees, eat the good food that they brought with them, and talk about life.
